In order of better coordination between organizations dealing with spatial data and operative services, as well as to provide better and faster operational and common information services, as an organizers of the experimental geo-portal - BSDI, we offer to our potential partners to register links to Your thematic web-sites and information systems as well.
For this purpose, any organization or company wishing to be included in the overall process of integration and upgrade the operational capacity as well as useful information for consumers, could send an offer to Us on one of the following email addresses:, or, in order to create the connection to the website that You offer.
Project HARMONIA Call: H2020-LC-CLA-2018-2019-2020
ASDE-ECOREGIONS in collaboration with Municipality of Sofia represented by the Directorate “Emergency Assistance and Prevention” (DEAP) will participate in project Harmony Call: H2020-LC-CLA-2018-2019-2020, part of program Horizon 2020. It will be working alongside with twenty-two partners from countries in European Union. The title of the project is: Development of a Support System for Improved Resilience and Sustainable Urban areas to cope with Climate Change and Extreme Events based on GEOSS and Advanced Modelling Tools (Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: climate action in support of the Paris Agreement).
HARMONIA will leverage existing tools, services and novel technologies to deliver an integrated resilience assessment platform working on top of GEOSS, seeing the current lack of a dedicated process of understanding and quantifying Climate Change (CC) effects on urban areas using Satellite and auxiliary data available on GEOSS, DIAS, urban TEP, GEP etc. platforms. A package of the developed innovative applications and databases, under the HARMONY project, will be integrated in appropriate sectors of the already built geo-portal - Bulgarian Spatial Data Infrastructure ( HARMONIA will focus on a solution for climate applications supporting adaptation and mitigation measures of the Paris Agreement.
HARMONIA will test modern Remote Sensing tools and 3D-4D monitoring, Machine Learning/Deep Learning techniques and develop a modular scalable data-driven multi-layer urban areas observation information knowledge base, using Satellite data time series, spatial information and auxiliary data, in-situ observing systems, which will integrate detailed information on local level of neighborhoods/ building blocks.
HARMONIA focuses on two pillars: a) Natural and manmade hazards intensified by CC: urban flooding, soil degradation and geo-hazards (landslides, earthquake, ground deformation) and b) Manmade hazards: heat islands, urban heat fluxes, Air Quality, Gas emissions. Sustainable reconstruction of urban areas and the health of humans and ecosystems are top priorities. HARMONIA will take into account the local ecosystems of European urban areas, following an integrated and sustainable approach by incorporating the active communities’ participation initiative, which will involve the use of a social platform.
ASDE Provided Access to the Developed Information Dystem „SmartCover“ - Architecture
The developed information system SmartCover – provides services, based on spatial data within Web-GIS environment. SmartCover is unique for Bulgaria and EU, because it comprises of trans-border spatial data and services, harmonized under Directive INSPIRE.
More, about the service - SmartCover, could be found from the top menu - Data and Services within section Services in support to Danube Strategy , or directly from HERE
Collaboration with DG-JRC for the Danube Reference Data and Service Infrastructure (DRDSI)
Within the scope of the flagship priorities of the Danube Strategy and in line with the Collaboration Agreement signed in 2011, ASDE-ECOREGIONS and Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (DG JRC) have started a fruitful technical collaboration for the implementation of the first trans-national land cover dataset, based on the best practices and implementation approaches of important EU-policies, such as the Common Agriculture Policy and INSPIRE.
This database is a key component of the common resources for a territorial planning analysis and strategy developed within the scope of the EURDF- funded cross-border cooperation project SPATIAL between Bulgaria and Romania. The so-called “reference land cover” layer, covering 70 000 of both countries, is based on the classification concepts of ISO 19144-2 (Land Cover Meta Language – LCML) and the best management practices from the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) that channels all EU area-based aids in agriculture.
It is the first large-scale dataset created by integration of COPERNICUS CORE satellite image datasets and in-situ data (LPIS, aerial orthophotos). The methodology was elaborated in collaboration with the MARS Unit of JRC, while specific data support was provided by the JRC’s Digital Earth and Reference Data Unit. The outcomes of this project are of great interest for the European Commission, since it can be a successful model for spatial data development, planning and monitoring of the territory for the other Danube countries. During the Danube strategy conference in Bratislava, 2013 and Bucharest , 2013, it was declared that EC-JRC-IES will integrate the positive outcomes of the methodology and the inputs of the cross-border reference land cover databases in the future Danube Reference Data and Services Infrastructure (DRDSI).
Please, access the document down below:
Collaboration with JRC for the Danube reference data and service infrastructure (DRDSI) |
ASDE engaged in the Danube Strategy
The bulgarian Agency for Sustainable Development and Eurointegration (ASDE), in cooperation with Remote Sensing Application Center - ReSAC, is involved in the development of common resources for a territorial planning for the cross-border area between Bulgaria and Romanian, which comprises large part of Lower Danube.
The work is in the scope of a Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Project “Common Strategy for Sustainable Territorial Development of the cross-border area Romania-Bulgaria”, funded by the European Regional Development Fund, MIS-ETC 171.
ASDE is the leading partner of the work package, related to the development of a comprehensive spatial database for the cross-border area for the needs of the elaboration of common strategy for sustainable territorial development. The project started in February 2012 and will end in February 2014.
The full text You can access from the top menu: Data and Services, right menu: Services of Danube Strategy, or from HERE
GMES Operational Capacity - Risk Management – Flood simulation model of Biser
The crisis situation which occurs in the early morning of the 6th of February at the village Biser, Harmanli district, due to an alleged breaking off a dam wall of Ivanovo dam lake, consequently flooding along Biserska river, requires rapid mobilization of all available resources to be saved the affected residents. At the same time it shows the need of early warning procedure and previously assessment and modeling of the impact from potential flooding for the preparation of a municipal action plan and rapid measures in order to reduce the impact of the event and overcome the damage.
We offer the available flood simulation models for Biser village, that are open to free access and any interested municipality or organization could make appropriate assessments or to contact us for further analyzes. Among these models you can track what further flooding might be expected when water level rise along the Maritsa River - settlements Lyubimets and Svilengrad.
The accepted methodology allows obtaining sufficiently useful ( user-oriented) results in a short range of time in order to take prompt action and to assess potential hazards and possible damage. It is prepared to be used even with a minimum available information. If additional data and information is provided, such as cadastre information, building data, distribution of population, significant sites(assets), installations&infrastructure, etc., more accurate and various analysis, estimations and reliable forecasts can be made.
As a very recent and important result, including flood risk modeling, can be presented the report "Preliminary Assessment of the risk of flooding of the rivers Danube region to the database" which is performed by the Remote Sensing Applications Center - ReSAC (member of the Bulgarian information office on GMES – BIOG). The report was ordered by the Ministry of environment and waters and ended successfully these days. The results can be found on the Basin Directorate for water management (BDWM) web pages as follows: BDWM - Dunabe region, BDWM - East Aegean Region, BDWM - Black Sea region, BDWM - West Aegean Region and ReSAC web page. The task is part of the implementation in Bulgaria of Directive 60/2007/EO - Risk of flooding.
Especially for village Biser case, the flood simmulation models :
- Shows the affected areas in the locality, with the respective levels of water column. Because of lack of information either for buildings or for infrastructure and other facilities, and distribution of the inhabitants of that place, we are not able to provide more accurate assessment of risk maps, even map showing the critical infrastructure. This model is suitable for making quick decisions such as where are the most affected areas, how many houses are affected, how to organize actions in a crisis, accessible streets and important infrastructure objects that are not affected and could be used as temporary shelter, etc.;
- Represents which other areas of the city would be flooded with continued rise in water level;
The case of this disaster which combines natural event with human negligence allows ouselfs to pay attention to the necessity for asking the administrative structures to prioritize risk management – prevention, strategic planning, forecast models, to estimate the possible damages and casualties, and to inspect and assess the condition of existing facilities and equipment, which could be a potential threat to people, facilities and environment. Public awareness on early warning and measures for fast response to such situations is also fo importance.
No less important is provide access to various databases and spatial information, which are maintained in various state and municipal structures and have to be harmonized under the requirements of the EU Directive 02/2007/EU-INSPIRE.
There are lots of reliable organizations in Bulgaria who are ready to render assistance in terms of better early warning and risk management information on the basis of forecast models, if the responsible institutions provide the basic support for processing and maintenance of the information systems and the necessary preliminary data.
BULCOVER – Poster for the Bulgarian reference land cover geo-data base, using the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS-FAO-UN)
The Bulgarian efforts for the creation of a conceptual model and nation-wide dataset of the land cover (BULCOVER) is in accordance with the requirements of INSPIRE Directive 02/2007/ЕО, as well as with the requirements of the European Earth Observation-GMES Program operational stage. It is elaborated using the classification system of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – Land Cover Classification System (FAO-LCCS). Its main purpose is to support decision making at national and regional level, as well as to give an opportunity for checking the up-to-date status and reliability of the different thematic spatial datasets. The National land cover dataset will facilitate the integration between spacebornе and in-situ datasets, needed for the core and downstream services for risk and crisis management. Implemented to Regulation 911/2010 in September 22, 2010 by the European Parliament and the European Council and concerning The European Earth Observation Programme (GMES), the reference land cover layer gives an opportunity for applying simulation models, potential damage assessment from expected disasters, general analysis of losses from past disasters and many other applications.
The reference land cover layer is prepared, on the base of satellite images from the US satellite Landsat from 2009 with spatial resolution 30 m. Information about altitude and slope, is associated with every spatial land cover object. The subsequent validation revealed a thematic accuracy of the product of more than 85%.
Bulgaria is the first member state of the European Union, which has started land cover database, based on the worldwide methodology LCCS on the whole territory of Bulgaria and updated in 2009. Another member state, which has built similar database, relying on the Bulgarian experience, is Romania.
The reference land cover database within the territory of Republic of Bulgaria is entirely prepared by specialists from the Agency for Sustainable Development and Eurointegration - Ecoregions (ASDE) and the Remote Sensing Application Center (ReSAC). Consultations from specialists from the FAO-UN have been also used.
The future steps include, elaboration of more detailed land cover dataset at larger cartographic scale and implementing more land cover classes
The product is available in vector format, conformant with cartographic scale 1:50 000. It is accessible from the following hyperlink: BSDI. User name and Password for access are requested.
Database is submitted to the Executive Agency “Electronic Communication Networks and Information Systems” (ECNIS) to Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications and it can be used in support to the elaboration of a National geoportal for the needs of harmonization of spatial data and other purposes.
WARNING: Using of this product for different applications is a paid service and in this way it is protected by copyright law.
Please, contact us for access to the service!
Stastistical Analysis Services for „Riskwatch“
An additional value added services will soon be available within Riskwatch. At this stage the services can be defined in two packages:
- Issue of different types and content of graphics and histogram, distribution of the different categories of natural disasters on the territory of Bulgaria reported in public media and internet.
- Issue of thematic maps for the interconnection of each municipality within a period of one, two or three years of natural disasters reported in public media and internet.
Connections to important European portals
On the basis of a partnership agreement between Agency of Sustainable Development and Eurointegration – Ecoregions (ASDE) and Joint Research Center (JRC), we provide in priority important for the users hyperlinks of the European portals and data bases of institutes of JRC as follows, JRC-IPSC (Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen) and JRC-IES (Institute for Environment and Sustainability) :
- EMM - Europe Media Monitor
- IES - Institute for Environment and Sustainability - Data Portals